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Starting and running a business is hard. Starting and running a values-based business is even harder.

Doing so requires making decisions that put people before profits. That honor individuals as humans. That sacrifice short-term wins for long-term, sustainable growth.  

I’m Andi Graham, the CEO, and founder of a digital marketing agency called Big Sea.

I meet entrepreneurs all the time who are really good at talking the talk, but when the rubber meets the road, they cave. Their values are just a mural on a wall or a page on their website, and the decisions they make defy them in every way.  

Then, there are those of whom I stand in awe. Those with the murals and web pages who also walk the walk. Whose business practices and decisions align with the things they profess to hold dear. 

Walk the Walk is about those people. It is a podcast for entrepreneurs who make tough choices in the name of integrity every day, even when it’s hard.

Jun 15, 2020

There is power in listening. It can broaden perspectives and be a fundamental step towards understanding and atonement. Erik Smith knows; he owns a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consultancy and he's been helping organizations understand their role in systemic racism for most of his career.

Conversations about...

Jun 1, 2020

Whether you're a solo-preneur or a Fortune 10 company, your clients and customers want you to take a stand – and to really live the stand you take. 

For better or worse, the pandemic has "opened the kimono" and shown the true colors of companies and leaders who truly do or do not walk the walk.

Barbra Anderson and...